Saturday, January 9, 2010

Bloggiesta 2010 - frustrations

Well, apparently I am not as good at following html directions as I thought. Somehow I was able to add tabs to my header without incident -- but I have tried for the past two hours to add a favicon to my blog page and I cannot get it to work. I have tried resizing the image (it is now at 16x16 pixels); I have tried using several different image loading sites; I have tried placing the code in various places --- and I still end up with the ugly orange blogger B as my identification.

Is there anyone out there who could possible help a html deficit like me? I would be very grateful.

For now, I am going to bed and perhaps it will make more sense in the morning.


  1. well, my first question to you would be is if you loaded it as an .ico file? That is the biggest most common issue with favicons not working.

    If you do have it as an ico drop me an email Ambrosia @ Majorwhitlock. com

    I can help out.

  2. Hey, Molly, if you figure this out, then teach me! I am a total idiot when it comes to this type of thing. It took me about 6 months just to widen my darned columns. I've been wanting tabs forever, but I need someone to hold my hand!

  3. Me too, me too with the tab issue. After your last post, I went to the sites you mentioned and read the tab instructions and then just backed away verrrrry slowly so no one got injured. Whoa - too confusing for me. But I did add the "if you like this" widget which I thank you for posting the link. That one was easy!

    I'm not too sure what you are even trying to accomplish but good luck with it. It sounds very complicated but if anyone can figure it out, it's you. Let us know how the progress goes.

  4. Yes teach me too when you figure it out. I tried so hard (including the .ico file) and to no avail. I have given up for now :(

  5. Can't help you with the technical stuff, but enjoyed browsing here. Books are a wonderful lens through which we often look at life. Best wishes!

  6. It's been so long since I did this, I can't remember. I used directions from hthis post on Trish's blog. I hope that helps.

  7. Oh, I empathize with you there! I need lots of hand-holding for this stuff.

    I did create favicons, but on Word Press. I haven't tried it on my Blogger blogs yet!

    And there was one thing I wanted to do...backing up the files, but the process scared me! Like where to put the information after it's "imported" or is it "exported"?

  8. Well, something worked because when I pull up your blog...your flavicon is a picture of you???

  9. Thanks to the help of Ambrosia -- I managed to fix the favicon for most servers. For some reason I still have the orange B when I use chrome, but I think my photo shows up on Explorer and Firefox.

    I am grateful to Ambrosia's help - and a good night's sleep :)

  10. I'm still trying to figure out the tabs but I did manage to get the favicon done fairly painlessly.

  11. You must have got help because I see it! And I must thank you for the links to the tab tutorial ... I now have them too! : )

  12. I see you (as a favicon that is)! You can proudly add another code manipulation to your list of accomplishments! Congratulations! Go Pedro!!

  13. You are really looking good Molly. Congratulations on conquering the html things. Your favicon shows just fine.

  14. I see your fav icon just fine. Your browser probably had the default icon cached. When in doubt, shift reload. :)


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