Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Wordless Wednesday: An Unfortunate Gondola Ride

As you can tell from my recent photos of Venice, the weather was not cooperative. While it never poured down rain, it was always drizzling, and the skies were a constant gray. This, of course, meant choppy waters.

We decided to take a gondola ride a day earlier than planned. No problem.... unless you are prone to motion-sickness and leave your sea bands in the hotel room.

The ride through the small inner canals was smooth and enjoyable. The view of Venice from the water is just as spectacular as walking on land. While our gondolier did not sing, he did whistle a fancy a tune, which made the journey even more perfect. I was feeling great.

But then we had to dock the boat at the pier off San Marcos square. The large open water was definitely more unstable, and the wakes of the large motor boats transformed our gondola into a rocking chair. This made it difficult for the gondolier to position the boat, which meant a longer time in the rough waters.

By the time we disembarked, I was feeling a bit queasy. We decided to return to the hotel for an hour before going to dinner. I thought the fresh air and slow walk would do me good.

I was wrong.

I became violently ill for the next four hours - and I spent the following day in bed recuperating.

Despite this rather unpleasant end to my Venetian holiday, I can still say it is my favorite city in the world, and I can hardly wait to return someday soon. Thee sea-bands, however, will be on my person at all times.

*View other Wordless Wednesday photos here and Wordless (on Tuesday) photos here.


  1. Oh Vicki - I hope you can visit Venice one day. It is the only city I have visited that actually exceeded my expectations :)

  2. Ugh, sorry to hear about your experience but I can certainly relate.

  3. Oh ugh!!! But glad that it didn't stop you from loving the city.

  4. That's great that you still love the city. I have not been to Venice but must go sometime!


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