I was so pleasantly surprised at the number of comments on my last post. Many of you sympathized with my "funk" and have helped me realize that I am not alone in this dreary mood. I will chalk it up to mid-winter blahs and hope that a spring break (in 2.5 weeks, but hey, who's counting) will cure it.
Also, several of you commented on my cozy book nook and indicated an interest in the actual books on the bookshelves. I think there was a meme not too long ago that asked us to comment on our book organization, but I thought my collection was so small compared to many of you, that I did not think it was worth a post. However, since there appears to be some interest in my growing collection, I would be more than happy to share.

Since the room is a dormer, I have limited space due to low ceilings. That is why I have 2 shorter cases and 1 large case. The one large case - closest to the couch (for easy access) - is for my British Literature collection. The collection started as the "texts" that I teach -- but has definitely mushroomed in the past 3 years. The top shelf is mostly devoted to all things Jane Austen: her novels as well as current day "sequels." I also have a few non-fiction books in the mix that concentrate on the criticism of her works, as well as a few of her biographies. I have a dream of someday teaching a course on just Jane Austen - but for now, I will bask in the small collection of her works. I also chose to put works by the Bronte sisters on this shelf - although I am not sure of my logic there.
The 2
nd shelf is devoted to the Victorian era of British Literature - with a concentration on Charles Dickens (including his 1500 page biography by Peter
Ackroyd which I have yet to open). Other authors on this shelf include:
Wilkie Collins; George Eliot; Mary Elizabeth
Braddon, etc.
The 3rd shelf will be devoted to Shakespeare. I do not have too many of his works yet, although I do have several biographical pieces. I am hoping to take a pedagogical class this summer on Shakespeare and I know I will add several titles to this shelf at that time.
The 4
th shelf focuses on 20
th century -- which for me teaching in a small Christian school mainly include Tolkien and CS Lewis. Again, I have their major works, plus several non-fiction works as well. I am very anxious to read some of Virginia Woolf, but have yet to accomplish that goal.
The lower shelf includes mostly non-fiction works that focus on literary criticism -- how to read literature - and how to read the Bible as literature.

The shorter shelf directly opposite the couch (where my "ambiance" purchases reside) house what I would call my very limited YA collection and American Lit classics. I have a very limited scope of American Lit --- which is something that I plan to work on after my Master's is completed (hopefully in 4 more summer sessions).
The 2
nd shelf is mostly teaching related materials --- how to write rubrics - teach reading - teach writing --- etc. The lower shelf houses mostly anthologies for fiction and poetry to help me in my teaching endeavors.

The shorter shelf against the far wall is mostly for what I might consider "contemporary" reading. The top two shelves house those books - most of which are in the TBR category, rather than the "already read" category. I keep my library books on the top - so that I can easily find those that need to be returned in order to avoid the daily fine. The lower shelf is to showcase my new addiction -- mystery/crime fiction. Fortunately these books are small paperbacks and can easily be doubled on the shelf to allow for more purchases.
So there you have it -- probably far more insight into my nook than you wanted to read --- but it was sure fun to tell you about it. It is a cozy place that I find very serene and the perfect way to end a stressful teaching day.
I'm very impressed with your organization! I have one small bookcase and need to buy another one so I can become better organized.
ReplyDeleteI love it...a whole shelf just for Jane! Thanks for the tour of your book nook.
ReplyDeleteI'm impressed! My bookshelves, which are beautiful if I say so myself, are in my living room, so I tend to arrange the books according to how they are pleasing to my eye at the time. Of course, I end saying "where is that book" alot.
ReplyDeleteWow! You are very well organised :)
ReplyDeleteYou have a great well-balanced reading taste ~ I love it!
You're so organized! My preferred mode of organization is also by theme/genre, but usually after a few months it just morphs into random :P
ReplyDeleteI've been in a bit of a funk myself these past few days. I hope we both feel better soon!
Aww Molly don't feel bad on being in a funk. I usually get that way this time of year. This time I decided to keep myself occupied doing something different.
ReplyDeleteI was looking at my shelves the other day and was a bit miffed at myself at how mixed up my books have gotten. Really need to go through and straighen them back out. Great post!
Thanks for sharing this. I love how organized you are!! I have shelves and bookcases everywhere (and we have no more wall space), but the books aren't organized in any particular way.
ReplyDeleteWow, Molly, if you are looking for another career, it could be organizer for HGTV! I am in awe of your skills. My bookshelves are just arranged alphabetically by author in paperback and then I start all over again with hardcover. One of my daughters arranges her spice shelf alphabetically .... well, that is another story!
ReplyDeleteHope your funk is a very short lived thing.
Holy organization! Wow, fantastic. i wish I could say that I am that organized, but this is not the case.
ReplyDeletegreat shots and descriptions.