Saturday, November 25, 2017

Totoro Family Recipes: Poor Man's Pecan Pie

I'm not sure where my mom found this recipe, perhaps in one of her many church cookbooks she collected throughout the years.

The pie got its name because it tastes like a pecan pie but uses oatmeal to replace the expensive nuts. Seeing how I was never fond of nuts to begin with (and neither were my children), this pie became an instant family favorite.

In fact, one year my son requested this pie instead of birthday cake.

For those who enjoy the taste and texture of nuts, you can easily decorate the top of the pie with pecan halves.

  • 2 well-beaten eggs
  • 1 cup granulated sugar
  • 1 cup dark corn syrup
  • 1/2 cup melted butter
  • 1-1/4 cups quick cooking oatmeal
  • 1 unbaked pie shell
  1. In a large bowl, whisk together the eggs and sugar.
  2. Mix in the dark corn syrup until thoroughly blended.
  3. Add the melted butter and stir until combined.
  4. Fold in the oatmeal.
  5. Pour into pie shell and bake at 350 degrees for approximately 45-50 minutes.

This post is part of BethFishReads Weekend Cooking LinkUp. For more delicious recipes, please visit her weekly blog feature.


  1. Oh what a great recipe for those with tree nut allergies. I like pecans, but you've made me curious. I'll have to give this a try over the winter.

    1. What a great alternative to serve to those with nut allergies. I never gave that a thought!

      It is a GREAT winter pie, Candace... and I'd love to hear which tea you choose to serve with it :)

  2. Is this less rich than classic pecan pie? The real thing always seems too over-the-top for me! There were three pies at our thanksgiving dinner (and for Friday), and I never got around to eating the pecan pie, only had apple pie and chocolate pie! So much to eat, so little time.

    best... mae at

    1. Good question, Mae. I would say it might be a little less rich, but it is a very sweet pie. I eat only a small sliver at a time.

      You are so right... so much to eat and so little time. This year, I tried to replace the cream of soup recipes with more heart healthy alternatives - like roasted veggies.

  3. It is definitely quick and easy, Vicki! I'd love to hear how you like it :)

  4. Pecan pie with no pecans! What next! Have a great week. Cheers from Carole's Chatter

  5. I love pecan pie but recently have become sensitive to nuts. Never thought to substitute oatmeal. Great idea -- will have to try this.

    1. I'm anxious to hear how you like it, Jama :)


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