Tuesday, August 24, 2010

I miss my blogging friends....

I am alive, truly I am.

The first two days of school have been terrific!  The students have been attentive and we have had lots of laughs.  Of course it does help that I do not assign homework on the first day.

The past two days I have had my alarm set for 5:15AM.  I somehow manage to get out of bed, drink a cup of coffee, and have some quiet time before I get ready and leave the house by 7:15.  I spend from 7:30AM to 4:00PM at the school (on my feet the majority of the day), and when I finally arrive at home it is all I can do to make it to the couch before I fall into a comatose state.

I have dealt with this experience for a number of years, however, and I know that it will quickly pass.  My feet will become adjusted to the added hours of standing vs sitting, and my voice grows stronger with each passing day.  The new schedule becomes routine and I eventually find time to do the activities that I enjoy most -- like reading and blogging.

However I also know that these first two weeks of school are a huge adjustment and must be a top priority.  That means that I will still need to sacrifice reading and writing blogs for at least a few more days.  I look forward to catching up with all your news and events some day soon!


  1. We miss you too, Molly! Don't worry about not blogging. School is keeping me busy too so I definitely understand. Have a great week!

  2. Take your time, we will all be here when you return!!

  3. Oh Molly, we miss u too. I think I felt the same way my first few weeks back to work fulltime after being off and home for one year...not fun until you adjust.

    Early to bed or a cup of tea.

  4. Glad to know that you have those first days under your belt. We start back Sept. 7. I'm excited too but also a bit sad to say goodbye to the summer!!

  5. *Gulp* I have the kids back tomorrow. The bone-crushing fatigue you talk about is still slightly present with four long days of meeting where I'm one of the school's "go to" people for technology. I'm reminded that I CAN do this again, but I found myself a teeny bit depressed tonight by the amount of fatigue I felt. It surely can't be normal can it? Are we just pansies? *sigh* I love my job though. It will be good, and I'm just eager to get in my first couple of days too! :)

    It's good someone else is in the same boat. I feel validated when I read your post!

  6. I know exactly how you feel! It's SO exhausting! I barely make it to my couch anymore!

  7. Back to school time is a huge adjustment - for students, teachers, and parents - and you'll get used to the routine again soon. So glad the first few days have gone well... we'll see you soon!

  8. We totally understand! Take care of yourself right now.

  9. Back to school fatigue for our teachers near and far is a definite part of the start of school. I don't think those who haven't taught quite understand. Come home, put your feet up, have some refreshment/nourishment - whatever feeds your heart and soul. We will all be here waiting for what is next.

    Here's to a healthy, productive school year. Yes!

  10. My husband is a teacher and is exhausted this first week back - classes haven't begun but he had 7th grade orientation, and then meeting with parents in the evening. And now teacher meetings for two days. It is such a change from summer work which is more physical - home repairs, splitting wood, farm stuff.

  11. I just saw one of your comments somewhere else and I said "I haven't seen that Molly around lately!". Of course I knew why. I have been off-kilter myself. The change of schedule is always tough, and it seems that the older the kids get, the longer it takes me to adjust for some reason. Hang in there!

  12. Totally understand!! It is a huge adjustment to go from summer mode to school mode. You've got a long day!

  13. Must be a shock to the system!

  14. I can relate to your early morning. Back to school can be somewhat of a difficult adjustment (especially when I just returned from Hawaii). I'm still daydreaming about the beaches while I was in my office!

  15. I hope you had a wonderful first week. With my son back to school as of this past Monday I am readjusting to the crazy schedule too.

  16. Sounds like your year is off to a great start--attentive students, laughter in the classroom. Good signs. It is tough to adjust to long days on your feet. You have my sympathy for that!
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  17. hey! stop complaining!
    when I work day shift I get up at 4:30am...and get home about 6:30 at night...

    and then I have to switch to night shift from 6 am to 6 pm.
    True, I do get to sit down...but still...lol..lol


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