While this book is quite deserving of a full-length review, I prefer to cut it short and leave the reader with this thought from the author: "I like the idea that every page in a book can have a gem on it." That is precisely what this book has. Each and every page has a minimum of one eloquent passage or beautiful word picture that causes the reader to pause and reflect. In fact, a major theme of the story is the power of words:
"...the Fuhrer decided that he would rule the world with words. 'I will never fire a gun,' he devised, 'I will not have to.'.....He planted (words) day and night, and cultivated them. He watched them grow, until eventually, great forests of words had risen throughout Germany. It was a nation of formed thoughts. While the words were growing, our young Fuhrer also planted seeds to create symbols, and these, too, were well on their way to full bloom. Now the time had come." - page 445How I wish I could make my students understand this premise. Words are everything. Words can build others up - or tear them down. Words, when cultivated and arranged in just the perfect order, can cause miracles to happen. At the same time, words haphazardly strung together with no thought or effort can lead to devastation. I think there is no other pithy saying that is most inaccurate as: "sticks and stones will break my bones, but names (words) will never hurt me." Words hurt more than swords, and have a much longer lasting effect.
If you have not read The Book Thief, you must put this on your TBR list. While it is considered YA -- it is defin

While Firmin is not nearly as intense in theme or scope as The Book Thief, I must say it was a very pleasurable read and one filled with unsuspecting poetic prose and at times deep insight. The story is told in first person from a rat's point of view. Firmin is the 13th baby rat born in the basement of a Boston used bookstore. Firmin is the runt of the litter, and oftentimes misses out on mealtime at Mom's milk bar. In an effort to thwart his hunger, Firmin begins to eat the shredded paper that his mom has used for a nest. The paper happens to be from one of the used books - and an appetite for literature is born (quite literally). Firmin devours several different books - from a variety of genres - until he realizes the value of the words on the page when read. Firmin then becomes quite discriminating in his taste: he now will only eat the margins of the book in order to savor the written word.
Because of this early introduction to great literature, Firmin seems to relate all sensory perception through stories he has read. This provides great humor for the reader. For example, on his first taste of lettuce, Firmin compares it to Jane Eyre. Upon realizing that he will not be the apple of Ginger Rogers' eye, he takes it upon himself to change his name to Heathcliff. It was moments like these that the narration had me literally laughing out loud.
However, one of the most poignant moments of the story is delivered on the next-to-the-last-page: "Jerry used to say that if you didn't want to live your life over again, then you had wasted it." Quite the sobering thought for a city rat. I have always tried to live my life without regrets, but somehow this quote manages to concisely express those same thoughts in a more eloquent manner.
I would highly recommend this book as well. It is an easy read, but at the same time a very satisfying read. Who would have thought a literary rat would provide such entertainment?
You convinced me - I added The Book Thief to my wish list. I think the book Firmin is so cute with the little bite out of it - glad to see it's worth reading.
ReplyDeleteI loved The Book Thief and count is as one of top ten favorites overall. I'm planning on rereading it eventually.
ReplyDeleteI read The Book Thief for the second time in January. There is definitely a gem on each page! I took notes this second reading and it was hard to not write everything down!
ReplyDeleteThese both sound good! I think my daughter has The Book Thief - I'll have to check her bookcase.
ReplyDeleteTerrific post! I've read both of these books and I agree with your assessments. The Book Thief should be required reading...wonderful, wonderful book; and it is less about WWII Germany than it is about the immense power of words. Firmin was a delight to read!
ReplyDeleteI have wanted to read The Book Thief for so long and I'm not going to put it off any longer. You've inspired me!
ReplyDeleteThe Book Thief sounds like a fantastic read. I have never heard of it before, so thank you Molly :)
ReplyDeleteI definitely want to read The Book Thief. Thanks for the review!
ReplyDeleteI recently reviewed Firmin on my blog NoBSBookReviews. I really enjoyed it. It took me a lot longer to read than I expected a short book to take. I enjoyed your review very much. I'll be back!
ReplyDeleteI have just picked up The Book Thief, it's on my immediate pile of TBR. Thanks for the review, I couldn't read all of it because I like books to be a surprise to me (if I already know I want to read it) but the first two paragraphs you wrote were insightful and made me want to read it very very soon!!
ReplyDeleteI am trying to email you for Nymeth's challenge, but so far firefox won't let me (it says it doesn't recognize your email address on your 'info' page) and neither will internet explorer. Can you email me at flynn4347@rogers.com ? so we can start discussing our graphic novel/manga reads! I did a little post today because I love Watchmen so far, but the rest I'll save for my discussions with you.....and a final wrap-up post.
PS I am very happy you are my partner! :-D
ReplyDeleteHi Molly,
ReplyDeleteMy daughters and I just finished reading The Westing Game by: Ellen Raskin and we are looking for a similar read. You once posted about a site where you can type in the author's name and it will recommend other books for you. Would you please email me at ginax2@bellsouth.net, so I can pick your wonderful brain? :-)
I am not sure if The Book Thief would be appropriate for my daughters, so I can ask your opinion on that as well.
I'm so glad you enjoyed these novels. I loved them both too. I enjoyed your reviews and that quote is quite thought provoking. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteI'm glad to see Firmin getting some more attention. Good review! My review is here.