Which do you prefer? (Quick answers–we’ll do more detail at some later date)
- Reading something frivolous? Or something serious? Usually....something serious. But right now I can hardly wait to pick up an easy-going mystery and totally escape.
- Paperbacks? Or hardcovers? Usually Paperbacks because they are easy to carry with me anywhere I want to go.
- Fiction? Or Nonfiction? I prefer fiction, but every once in a while I go on a non-fiction reading spree.
- Poetry? Or Prose? Prose, without a doubt.
- Biographies? Or Autobiographies? Either
- History? Or Historical Fiction? Historical fiction.
- Series? Or Stand-alones? Up until recently I have only read stand-alones. I am trying to read more series now in order to learn how the author develops characters over time.
- Classics? Or best-sellers? Classics because I am generally guaranteed a great book with little inappropriate language (call me old-fashioned). There are, however, some great best-sellers out there and I am always interested in reading any good, well-written novel.
- Lurid, fruity prose? Or straight-forward, basic prose? Straight-forward, basic prose Those who know me know that is a no-brainer question as I am straight-forward and basic in nearly every aspect of life.
- Plots? Or Stream-of-Consciousness? Plots --- I have not developed enough literary skill to understand stream-of-consciousness yet
- Long books? Or Short? Long - I enjoy the development of plot, character, and theme over time. I am usually sad once the story is over. It is like saying good-bye to a close friend.
- Illustrated? Or Non-illustrated? Typically non-illustrated, but I am trying to add art appreciation to my list of new educational pursuits.
- Borrowed? Or Owned? Owned, definitely. Although finances dictate that I use my local library on a regular basis
- New? Or Used? Gently used - as I can buy more books that way
It was a fun quiz, but hard too..I like all kinds of books. Hope your mushy brain returns to normal soon! LOL
ReplyDeleteWe agree on most of these, but quick answers are tough! I could have easily written a paragraph or two for each.
ReplyDeleteI too prefer long books.
ReplyDeleteBooking through preferences